paragraph related to television during the last thirty years

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Reading the following paragraph related to television during the last thirty years and learn how built the meaning of this following paragraph.

Home entertainment in the united states has changed very much during the last thirty years. Radio used to be the most popular entertainment in the home for many years . Now, most people like to watch television.  they prefer to hear and see the programs instead of just listening to them . But, most people still listen  to radios in there cars and offices. radios are small enough now so that people can carry them wherever they go. 

The companies that send out television programs  are regulated but not owned by the government.  Most of the programs you see on television are payed for by advertising. an Ad on Tv or Radio is called a commercial . for example, a company that makes cars will advertise it's products at differrant times during a program. advertising time on television is very expensive, but bringing diffrent kind of programs to the people watching television is very expensive too. therefor, commercials are a basic part of television in the united states.

The most popular programs are : variety shoes, sports ( football, basketball, baseball ,tennis,etc .), comedy, drama, musical programs, news and weather reports, talk shows, and movies


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